The Download Podcast, with Jill Marshall

Creative Prophecy: How Books and Other Downloads Can Predict the Future

Jill Marshall Season 1 Episode 11

Prophetic Downloads: Unravelling the Mystery of Creative Foresight

 In this episode of 'The Download' from Wise Woman and Wordsmith, host Jill Marshall delves into the fascinating phenomenon of creative downloads and their potential to predict the future. Through historical and contemporary examples, including her own personal experiences, Jill explores how seemingly prophetic insights often manifest in the creative process. She discusses notable instances where fiction closely mirrored future realities, such as Dean Koontz's 'The Eyes of Darkness' and other uncanny predictions in literature and media. Jill also provides practical tips on how creatives can recognise, journal, and trust their intuitive downloads. The episode emphasises the importance of tuning into these profound insights to navigate the mysteries of creativity and foresight.


00:00 Welcome to The Download

00:34 Exploring Creative Foresight

01:32 Tales of Prophetic Creativity

04:50 Personal Experiences with Predictive Downloads

07:07 Understanding and Recognising Prophetic Downloads

08:52 Conclusion and Final Comforting Thoughts


Download other episodes of crazy predictive coincidence:

How a book dropped a pin exactly on Jill’s mystery location

When TV downloads answered the question ‘What am I writing?’

Interested in editing fiction? Join Jill’s mentorship programme for upcoming fiction editors - starting 6 March 2025!

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