The Download Podcast, with Jill Marshall

Witches to Warriors: Fighting the Silencing of Women and Girls (for IWD 8 March)

Jill Marshall Season 1 Episode 12

The Historical and Ongoing Silencing of Women and Girls

In this episode of 'The Download' by Wisewoman and Wordsmith, author and host Jill Marshall focuses on the historical and contemporary silencing of women. Jill discusses various forms of suppression, from witch trials to modern-day gender inequalities. She shares her personal experiences of speaking out and being silenced, emphasising the importance of challenging such silencing. The episode also highlights the role of calls-to-action like International Women’s Day in advocating for gender equality and the need to balance masculine and feminine energies for societal progress. Listeners are encouraged to amplify women's voices and recognise subtle acts of silencing in their own environments.


00:00 Welcome to The Download

00:34 Exploring the Silencing of Women

01:54 Personal Stories of Silencing

04:34 Historical Context of Women's Silencing

05:46 Modern-Day Struggles and Gender Inequality

06:57 Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies

07:50 Taking Action Against Silencing

08:16 Experiences in the Workplace

12:04 The Role of International Women's Day

16:56 Final Thoughts and Call to Action 

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